
What is Men’s Pelvic Health Physiotherapy, and why is it important?

What is Men’s Pelvic Health Physiotherapy, and why is it important?

By Nordic Balance

Though it may come as a surprise to some, men have pelvic floors too! Pelvic health is essential for men of all ages to maintain a healthy, active lifestyle. Our expert physiotherapist dives into why pelvic health physiotherapy should be integral to your well-being.


1 in 10 men experiences pelvic floor or continence issues during their lifetime. This makes pelvic health just as important to the well-being of men as it is to women.


One of the best ways to keep your pelvic floor healthy and operating as it should is regular physiotherapy sessions with a specialist Men’s Health Physiotherapist.


But if you’re not convinced these sessions will help you, keep reading. Read our expert guide to Men’s Pelvic Health Physiotherapy sessions. In it, Fara, one of London’s most experienced Physiotherapists, has shared her advice on what this therapy entails and why Men must take care of their pelvic health.


What does a Men’s Pelvic Health Physiotherapy session involve?


During a Men’s Pelvic Health Physiotherapy session, a specialist identifies pelvic pain or dysfunction and takes the patient through a highly effective natural treatment, restoring the body to complete movement without requiring invasive operations or a course of medication.


Typically, when you go for your session, your physio will identify and treat any issues in your pelvic floor. Depending on your assessment results, they will provide advice and preventative measures to introduce to your lifestyle or guidance regarding any further treatment you may need.


What can Men’s Pelvic Health Physiotherapy treat?


Men’s Health Physiotherapy provides targeted treatment for pain and pelvic injury.


This course of natural therapy is also highly beneficial for men suffering from the bladder, sexual dysfunction and pelvic pain.


This physiotherapy treatment tackles many common health problems that men face. These include:


– Erectile dysfunction – 1 in 5 UK men have erectile dysfunction (more than 20% of men under 40 years of age and more than 50% of men over 40 years of age).
– Urinary incontinence – following prostatectomy surgery, up to 70% of men suffer from urinary incontinence.
– Overactive bladders – currently experienced by 16% of men over 18.
– Peyronie’s disease
– Ejaculatory Dysfunction
– Prostate surgery – assisting with both pre-op and post-op care
– Pain in the groin, pelvis, bowel, or genitals
– Difficulty returning to exercise


These issues are often caused by pelvic floor dysfunction, which arises from a weakened or overactive pelvic floor. A physiotherapist can identify and address those issues, creating a bespoke and precise treatment plan.


Pelvic health physiotherapists often work with urologists to restore men’s health, address these issues and achieve long-term results.


Nordic Balance, London Men’s Pelvic Health Physiotherapy


Suppose you are suffering from any of the conditions listed above. In that case, pelvic health physiotherapy offers a precise and efficient treatment, which can be tailored to provide a best-fit solution for your specific symptoms.

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