
Navigating the Court: 5 Common Squash Injuries and How to Avoid Them

Navigating the Court: 5 Common Squash Injuries and How to Avoid Them

By Nordic Balance

Squash, a dynamic and fast-paced sport, is as exhilarating as physically demanding. While it offers an excellent cardiovascular workout and hones your reflexes, it also brings with it the risk of specific injuries. To help keep those pesky injuries at bay, our physiotherapists have put together a guide to help you recognise the five most common squash injuries and, more importantly, how to avoid them with simple but effective exercises.


5 Common Squash Injuries and How to Avoid Them


Common Squash Injury No. 1: Ankle Sprains

Ankle sprains are prevalent in squash due to sudden changes in direction and quick lateral movements. Our physio team suggests incorporating balance and proprioception exercises into your routine. These exercises enhance your ankle stability and reaction time, reducing the likelihood of a twisted ankle. Also, wearing the right shoes with adequate support can make a world of difference.


One effective exercise you can easily do at home or the gym is the Single-Leg Balance. To perform this exercise:


Stand on one leg with the other leg lifted slightly off the ground.


Maintain your balance for as long as possible, aiming for at least 30 seconds.


For an added challenge, try closing your eyes or standing on a cushion to test your stability further.


Repeat this exercise on the other leg.


This simple yet effective exercise helps strengthen the muscles around your ankle, improve your balance, and enhance proprioceptive awareness – all crucial for preventing ankle sprains.


Additionally, it’s essential to wear the proper footwear when playing squash.


Shoes with adequate support and a good grip can provide the stability your feet need during the quick, multi-directional movements of the game. Investing in quality squash shoes is a small but significant step towards injury prevention.


Common Squash Injury No. 2: Achilles Tendonitis:

The Achilles tendon can become inflamed with repetitive stress, a common scenario in squash.


We recommend regular calf stretching and strengthening exercises to maintain tendon health. Additionally, warming up properly before a game increases blood flow to the muscles and tendons, making them more pliable and less prone to injury.


To prevent ankle injuries, our team suggests calf stretching and strengthening exercises.


A simple yet effective exercise is the Calf Raise:


Stand on the edge of a step with your heels hanging off.


Slowly raise your heels as high as possible, then lower them below the level of the step.


Perform 3 sets of 10-15 repetitions.


Regular calf stretching and strengthening can maintain tendon health and flexibility, reducing the risk of tendonitis.


Common Squash Injury No. 3: Lower Back Pain


The intense, repetitive twisting motions in squash often lead to lower back pain. Our team advise focusing on core strength and flexibility.


A strong core supports your lower back, while flexibility exercises, particularly for your hips and upper back, can prevent undue strain.


We recommend core strengthening exercises to support the lower back.


Planks are an excellent way to build core strength:


Lie face down, then lift your body onto your toes and forearms, keeping your body straight.


Hold this position for 30 seconds to a minute.


Repeat 2-3 times.


A strong core provides better support for your back, mitigating the risk of pain and injury.


Common Squash Injury No. 5: Shoulder Strain


Repeated overhead shots can strain your shoulder muscles. Our team emphasise the importance of shoulder stability exercises.


Strengthening the rotator cuff and surrounding muscles helps in evenly distributing the stress across your shoulder. Also, don’t underestimate the power of a good warm-up – it prepares your shoulder muscles for the high demands of the game.


We suggest shoulder strengthening and flexibility exercises.


The Resistance Band External Rotation is a great choice:


Hold a resistance band with both hands, elbows at 90 degrees, and arms at your sides.


Rotate your forearms outward while keeping your elbows pinned to your sides.
Perform 2-3 sets of 10-15 repetitions on each arm.


This exercise helps strengthen the rotator cuff muscles, which are crucial for shoulder stability.


Common Squash Injury No. 5: Jumper’s Knee (Patellar Tendonitis)


Knee injuries in squash often result from the high-impact nature of the sport.


To prevent jumpers knee or knee injuries in general, our therapists recommend exercises that focus on knee stability, like the Squat:


Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.


Lower your body as if sitting back into a chair, keeping your knees behind your toes.


Aim for 2-3 sets of 10-15 squats.


Our team suggests plyometric exercises to improve leg strength and shock absorption.


Additionally, proper footwear that offers good cushioning can mitigate the impact on your knees.


Remember, prevention is better than cure, and regular check-ins with a therapist can keep you in top form on and off the court.


Our team at Nordic Balance is dedicated to treating injuries and preventing them. By understanding your body’s needs and the demands of squash, we can tailor a program that keeps you playing safely and at your best.


Remember, while squash is a demanding sport, you can significantly reduce the risk of these common injuries with the proper preparation and care. Stay proactive about your health, and enjoy the game to its fullest!


Stay injury-free with our 5 Best Warm-Ups for Racket Sports.

If you are looking for a Squash Court look no further than Nordic Balance St. James’s. We are home to one of the most prestigious Squash Courts in London where we offer monthly subscriptions and single games. Book a Squash Court with us next time you are in the city.

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