
How to Manage a Running Injury

How to Manage a Running Injury

By Nordic Balance

Running is one of the sports with a higher likelihood of getting an injury than most other sports. Whatever your level, an essential part of your running education and training is understanding how to manage a running injury.


The predominant site of these injuries is the knee. There is strong evidence that long training distance per week in male runners (over 60km) and a history of previous injuries were risk factors for injuries.


Novice runners seem to face a significantly greater risk of injury per 1000 h of running than recreational runners.


What sort of injuries are linked with running?


Most commonly, injuries are related to the Tendon muscle (lower leg or upper leg and hip), Bone and cartilage.


How to Manage a Running Injury


In the case of a recent, acute pain: it’s important to offload the injured area for 3-7 days with rest and sometimes orthotics.


Before putting ice, stretching, massaging or taking anti-inflammatory medications, speak to a specialist as it can sometimes be counter-productive and delay your body’s healing response.


It will be helpful to get some imaging to diagnose the type of structure involved, the severity of your injury and, most importantly, give you an estimated timeline until recovery and return to running.


In the case of injury to your muscle or Tendon, it will be often advised to start an early loading of the injured area (as early as 48-72h post-injury). This should be done under supervision to help the damaged soft tissue healing in the correct direction and avoid stiffness in the scar tissue.


How long will it take to recover?


It depends on the grade of the injury; it can be as fast as 1 week or take up to 3 months, with an average of 6 weeks.


How to return to running safely?


Understanding what contributes to the injury is essential to avoid making the same mistake again.


Your healthcare professional will help you return to run with advice on warm-up and progression.


running analysis is a great starting point if you don’t know much about your running technique. It will give you an idea of the type of runner you are with indications of your foot strike, level of pronation, and cadence. 

At the end of it, you’ll be given some recommendations regarding footwear, mobility and strengthening exercises to support your training.


If chronic pain lasts more than 6 weeks, Shockwave Therapy should be considered an alternative to steroid injection. It shows fewer side effects and helps boost the healing and desensitise the area so you can progress in your rehab.


About Nordic Balance

Nordic Balance offers 5-star-rated physiotherapy clinics in St James’s, Central London, Wimbledon and Clapham. For more information about the range of treatments, including physiotherapy, osteopathy, chiropractic, podiatry and sports massage, contact us.


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