After what felt like an eternity, way too many dealings with solicitors and the local council, more grey hairs and a glass of wine or 2 to calm the nerves, we’ve finally managed to have our second baby… Nordic Balance Abbeville Road!
Located on Abbeville Road Clapham, our lovely new injury rehabilitation clinic is complete with 3 great clinic rooms and beautiful multi-functional space that we’ve got big plans for.
A big thank you to everyone who attended the official opening party to show their support and find out more about our exciting new venture. Check out some of the snaps from Friday’s event!
For more information and to make an appointment visit Nordic Balance Abbeville Road. We are currently offering 15% off your first treatment when booked online.
January 17th 2024
Are you working from home By now your back shoulders are probably feeling the effects of those long hours sitting hunched over your laptop at the kitchen table nbsp Working in an unsupported set-up will eventually take its toll on your body Understanding the importance of setting up your home...
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After what felt like an eternity way too many dealings with solicitors and the local council more grey hairs and a glass of wine or to calm the nerves we've finally managed to have our second baby Nordic Balance Abbeville Road Located on Abbeville Road Clapham our lovely new injury...